Thursday, December 30, 2010

Same Song, Second Verse

By the second day we were over it. We were surrounded by staples, batting, shredded fabric, and the ghost of what had once been our lovely red couch. At this point we were wondering what had possessed us to tackle a whole couch as our second upholstery project. We also asked ourselves why we had chosen to squeeze it in between a week long trip to New Orleans and company arriving for Thanksgiving (one week). We had allowed ourselves two days (yes, we know; we're idealists); it was the second day and we had one piece back on. However, there was no turning back at this point; we picked up our staple gun and went back to work.

This is the before shot. It is a little bit hard to tell in the picture, but the fabric on the cushions was shredding. Notice the white patches of exposed batting across the front.

A close up of the fabric off of one of the cushions. Do you see the seam I took across the middle to close up one of the first holes?

When we took the back off we found a product that forever changed the way we'll finish a project: curve-ease. This metal strip is used to finish an edge and replaces the much more tedious method of sewing it shut by hand. Just stuff your fabric into the open teeth, and hammer shut. Done.

All things do finally come to an end. We finished...on day five.

The finished product!

As you can see we redesigned the couch a little bit (we can't do things the easy way). We took the skirt off of the bottom, revealing the legs, and made the back one solid piece (instead of three individual pillows). We love our new, brown couch!

With every do-it-yourself project you learn something new. We're glad to have added to our knowledge of upholstery. It isn't something we want to do everyday, but would we do it again? Definitely.

~Susan Liana

Note: we didn't actually do any work on the couch on day three (Wednesday). I had to work and mama was doing some other necessary things around the house. It was a much needed break.

P.S. I know that it has been a month and a half since this event took place, but please remember that very shortly after finishing we had company arrive for Thanksgiving, and then we had more company, and then another set of company, and then we decorated for Christmas, and then, well you get the picture. I just didn't want you to miss the opportunity to see our brand new couch. :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Snow, Snow, SNOW!

We didn't have a white Christmas, but we almost did! Snowing the day after the renowned holiday is close enough for us southern, born and bred, Georgians. I was all full of anticipation Christmas night when I looked at the 30% chance of snow on the Weather channel for the next day. If you are south of the south you get excited when there is the tiniest chance of snow. When we moved up to Savannah 5 years ago we were thrilled with the thought of snow every year. Our hopes failed us. Savannah apparently doesn't have much of a temperature change from SOUTH Georgia. I was assured by my neighbor that "Oh! yeah! It snows every year." Her assurance made us assured...until we found out for ourselves that that was only a dream for Savannah.

However, we were blessed with snow on Mama's birthday this past February. We have a new ornament on our tree with "Snow" all over it because it is 'the year of the snow', for us. Little did we know that the day after Christmas it would snow from 8:00 a.m.-7 p.m.! 11 hours! It was a phenomenon! Unfortunately it didn't stick this time, but it started to about 7:00 p.m.

Each snowflake was gorgeous! They each had their own design. Everyone of them looked like a mini, glass version of paper cutouts. God's detail was minutely perfect!

We might not have gotten a white Christmas, but it was as close as we could wish for! We are hoping that since it is only December, that we may get some this winter, early in the new year!

Happy New Year!

Molly Elizabeth

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What we were doing for the past two months

Just in case you are wondering what we did for the past two months or more then keep reading.

Way back in the month of October, almost so far back that I almost forget that we did it, Clay went to Challenge Extreme and I went to some old friends, the Hobsons, in Alabama, for the the week! We had lots of fun watching Enchanted, Sense and Sensibility(the new one), and Ella Enchanted, but watching movies wasn't all that we did. We played on the trampoline for hours on end.

Doing tricks on the trampoline.
In the middle of the week we went down to Tuscaloosa, Alabama to see their cousin, watch the parade (I think it was homecoming) and view the campus. It was slightly against my principles since I'm an Auburn fan. Altogether we had LOTS of fun, especially staying up to 3:00 o'clock in the morning.

Grace and Molly Elizabeth in the dorm.

Clay, well, he was out surviving in the wilderness without a camera. He said he had fun. I will take his word for it.

Mama and Susan Liana went to Endeavor that next week. Mama was in charge of the kitchen which was a big undertaking. This was the 4th Endeavor for Mama, and Susan Liana was so happy to be asked to help in the kitchen with the mothers. I missed them, but they were having fun together in north Georgia.

Mama and Mrs. Martin at Endeavor.


Our family attended the annual Fall Family Fun Night event provided by our church. This year they added pony rides to the regular events. There is candy, free popcorn and cotton candy! Oh, it is fun!

(photo credits to Miss Kay)
Susan Liana running the cotton candy machine at Fall Family Fun Night.


Daddy, Mama, Susan Liana, Clay and Molly Elizabeth got to go on a mission trip to New Orleans with our church. It was such a blessing working with Redeemer Presbyterian there on the houses in the area.

This is the group that worked with the St. Roch church on a house down the street.

The girls doing a photo shoot by a square in the French Quarter in New Orleans.

Mama and Clay installing windows.

Molly Elizabeth in the same photo shoot.

Anna and Molly Elizabeth on the last day after we had finished our painting project.

The girls at the Cafe DuMonde, waiting for our beignets.


Then Molly Elizabeth's birthday rolled around. For my party on the night before my birthday,I had a hayride and bonfire. We played Taboo after a supper of BBQ sandwiches and Brunswick stew. Unfortunately we forgot to pull out our camera. Therefore, no pictures. We had a dance on my birthday as well, so you could say I got two parties! I got to choose the dances and have a birthday cake there. I am now fourteen.

(photo credits to Miss Kay)
Waiting for the dance to begin...


Thanksgiving came fast like everything else. Granddaddy, Uncle Steve, Aunt Celesta, Audrey Kate and Evan got to come enjoy it with us! The usual turkey, dressing, sweet potato casserole, and every other casserole you can think of were on the table. We all dug in and Clay ate 9 of the rolls! It was a very memorable and happy time.

Making pumpkin muffins!
Thanksgiving dinner.

Granddaddy teaching Susan Liana how to dance.

Susan Liana reading the Dr. Seuss Sleep Book.

Audrey Kate and Evan at the park.


Our friends, the Martins, got to come spend one night at our house the Sunday after Thanksgiving. They are friends from Teenpact. We talked, played games, ate and had fun.


Another Teenpact family came the next week. They too stayed for one night and all of the kids played lots of Telephone Pictionary while the mamas talked up a blue streak. They had a little baby that was 6 months old and he was always being held by someone. Adorable little children.

Our youth group had a progressive dinner which was fun. Mr. Brad read The Night Before Christmas and every time there was a "left" or "right" said you passed your gift that way. I ended up with a Starbucks gift-card. I was pretty happy about that.

Everyone who attended the progressive dinner.


I am going to end this post with our Lessons and Carols service. Clay and Molly Elizabeth were in the choir and Mama read the Seventh Lesson. Susan Liana helped serve the buffet. I love Lessons and Carols and can't wait until next year!

(photo credits to Miss Kay)
Susan Liana helping to ready the buffet line.

Merry Christmas!

Molly Elizabeth