No. We didn't go out and party on New Years Eve. No. We didn't watch the ball drop. No. We didn't 'hang out' with friends...until the next day. It sounds like we didn't
do anything. But guess what! We did do some fun things! #1: we had a pink ham, black eyed peas, cabbage, and cornbread! The traditional meal for everyone except us. Daddy asked for this meal and so that is what we fixed. I guess I'm out of it because I was clueless as to the fact that it was a tradition for New Years Eve. Sorry. #2: Most of the family played a new game Benjamin got for Christmas and so we had a very peaceful, relaxed evening. #3: At midnight we had sparkling grape juice! Oh, I love sparkling grape juice!
New Years day we had some friends over to shoot, play games, eat, and have fun! We shot for four hours. We played Taboo. We got rained out of our supper on the patio. We had great fellowship. And we had fun trying on hats! The whole day was a great opening to 2011!

We started off with pistols...

Who cares about ear plugs?

I do!

Camera wars!

A different side of my sister :).
...and we finished with rifles.
Molly Elizabeth
P.S. Unfortunately we didn't get pictures of when everyone was here for dinner.