Monday, June 21, 2010

Suck Your Stomach In & Put Some Color On!

We know, we know, we haven't posted in a month, but here is one for ya. In that month we have been to four end-of-the-year SCAD showings; Molly Elizabeth's friend came over and they decorated cakes for Sunday school; Molly Elizabeth had a Small Group party; Mama, Susan Liana, Clay, and Molly Elizabeth went to the Biltmore with Grandmom and Granddad; we hosted a Colonial dance with about 60 folks in attendance; Clay filmed Dangerous Game, his newest movie (filmed at our house...there were 17 young people here most of the week!); the whole family went to Huntsville for the fabulous Sisco Reunion; and Daddy and Mama went into Savannah this weekend for their 30th wedding anniversary! In addition, on Tuesdays we host a sewing/cooking class here, and Mama and Clay have been gardening...but that's another story! We've had a lot of fun, but I don't think I can write about it all.

So instead of telling you about any of those activities I will write about something totally different; a book Mama bought in Savannah this weekend called Suck your Stomach In & Put Some Color On!. It is absolutely hilarious! Daddy said Mama was laughing out loud the whole weekend. If it helps you to know a little about the book the subtitle is: What Southern Mamas Tell Their Daughters That the Rest of Y'all Should Know Too. I just started reading it on the way home from church a couple of nights ago, and so I'm just 75 pages into it, but it is definitely worth reading. Mama finished it this morning, and I'm sure that Susan Liana will start reading it, too, as soon as I'm finished.

P.S. from Miranda: This book is about those of us who consider ourselves true southern belles and the things our mamas taught us, and that we're teaching our daughters. This girl is a hoot and a half and all of you southern belles will LOVE it! I didn't realize how much of our culture was ingrained in me by my southern mama... You simply must read it!


  1. Just the title itself is truly southern. Sounds like a fun read.

  2. I don't know if I could suck in my stomach enough to make a difference! Y'all sound as busy as we are...

    tonya, mean ol' mama

  3. HI Miranda, I just became a follower of your blog so I thought I'd best introduce myself. I am Caity's mom. She is so blessed by your friendship and knew I would love your blog.

    What a darling fence surrounding your beautiful garden. How blessed you must be to have been given that gift by your family.

    I may just have to read that book. I've not spent time in the south and certainly am no southern belle. Would I "get it" when I read the book?

    Thanks for the peek into your family. Blessings to you!
    Linda Spencer in NM

  4. Can't wait to read it! And I love our Terrific Tuesdays!
