Wednesday, July 14, 2010

From Seed To...


Here are just a few pictures of our abundantly green little square foot gardens.

We are growing:
  • Cantaloupe
  • Squash
  • Zucchini
  • Cucumbers
  • Peas
  • Beans
  • Okra
  • Basil
  • Thyme
  • Apple Mint
  • Sage
We are growing the Cantaloupe up a trellis and it is doing well. Already their are 3 Cantaloupe the size of a soft ball (or bigger) and one almost ready to pick, and of course lots of tiny ones. We are excited.

A side view of our garden.

Just about half of this bed is filled with Cayenne peppers.

It had just rained and so I couldn't resist taking a picture of the watering can.

This is one of our four Basil plants.

Garlic Chives and Beans.

Our Butter Beans (you can see the Cantaloupe in the background) .

This is what our little garden produced Saturday!

The Cantaloupe plants.

Daddy just recently hung up this pretty little Hummingbird feeder in the corner of our garden. We have seen one green Hummingbird coming pretty often, not just to the feeder, but to the Cantaloupe as well.

Our Zucchini plant is getting so big that this leaf had to pop through the pickets to get sun.


  1. what a delight to watch your garden grow! i loved using the square foot gardening concept in our little garden in Savannah!

  2. Looks yummy! We're slowing down over here with the garden right now, but we've been working on the house before we head out for vacation. Lots of new pictures on the blog. Love you, ladies (and fellows, too).


  3. Okay, I am coveting your garden. There are few sensations as fine as standing in the dirt eating a ripe red tomato that has been warmed by the sun. If you'll share some cucumbers, I'll share some awesome pickle recipes.
